I am a
What Flower
Are You?
Being the curious sort that I am, I had to take the quiz - you just can't pass up the chance to learn more about yourself, now can you?
This is good - I really like sunflowers. Took some up to Mom the other day - some of my 'Velvet Queen' sunflowers that have a deep burgundy center with yellow tips on the petals. I think she liked them. I hope I can find those seeds again next year - they add a nice border in front of the mammoth ones that have the large heads and attract goldfinches.
OK, so I also had to find out about my "Free Sample Medicine Wheel: Native American Astrology" - it's always interesting to see what these things tell you. Here's me:
Sun in Rabbit Place = Ripe Corn Moon (Sun in Cancer)
The Tsalaki Moon of Early Summer, when you were born, is called Guyegwoni or Ripe Corn Moon. It corresponds to the South direction and to noon, as well as the Summer Solstice. At this time of year the corn really begins to produce and there is normally a lot of food for everyone. Early in this Moon, depending on the solunar calendar, the people finally have the Green Corn Dance, celebrating the first time that anyone is allowed to eat the corn that everyone has been awaiting. Then the stickball game season begins and sometimes games took place between whole tribes.
Ripe Corn Moon People are very social and emotional. They are possessive and competitive, yet they are patient and controlled. They are nurturing, domestic and they enjoy food and caring for others. They want to be there for others yet they are often unpredictable, volatile and unreliable. Often they try to give too much of themselves and then end up emotionally exhausted, so they learn to be very emotionally protective.
Kind of makes me sound like I'm a nurturing nitwit - I'll live with it, though. I'm not a danger to anyone so I think we're OK.
I am, once again, being bombarded with junk emails - and, many of my sent messages are doing a 180 and ending up in quarantine labeled as 'phishing'. I can't release them and send them on their merry way - they have to be deleted and resent, only to end up in quarantine again and deleted and resent, over and over and over until finally they get going to where they need to go.
So, because I don't know if you've received a message I've sent you, would you mind, please, OKing the return receipt? This way I'll know it got to it's intended destination. I'm having issues with the quarantine, I'm not sure what's happening and the suggestions from the technical staff make absolutely no sense to me (and, I understand these technical issues pretty OK). I have a sneaking suspicion that someone is just skimming the message I send or not reading it thoroughly. There is a bright spot with my ISP, though. One of the new techs is a student where I've recently retired from - he recognized my name on the latest tech support request and dealt with it. No drama, no underlying skepticism thinking I was a newbie to computers and the internet. It was truly gratifying to have someone really listen to what you were telling them.
OK, so right at this very moment, I'm trying to delete over 2300 spams from my webmail using the laptop while trying to keep myself occupied writing this post on the PC. I haven't been able to purge that junk for several days - I'm getting an average of 700-800 of these crappy things a day on the one address. Only about 100 or so on the 'clean' one.
It is interesting and amusing, sometimes, to see just what kind of things these people are trying to sell - and who's doing the selling - and from where! I tell ya, if I had a nickel for every lottery I've 'won' until today, I'd be in good shape!!
Russian brides, hernia patches, smoking patches, employment offers, financial aid and scholarship information, medicines - and other, uh, well, stuff..... Diets, government auctions, dating sites, surveys, gambling sites, insurance, loans, seized cars, properties for sale - the list just goes on and on and on. Looks like they really need to just 'GET A LIFE!'
Oops, sorry - I didn't mean to yell. So, I've gotten the spam count down to a little less than 1000 at this point and I think I'm going to call it a day with those guys - I don't want to be a nurse - I already have one in the family (and a fine one she is!) and becoming a police officer just doesn't appeal to me - I've worked with college students and faculty for the last how many years - law enforcement would be just way too tame after that. :o)
So, what kind of flower are YOU???
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