Sunday, April 8, 2007


It's turning into a lovely Easter Sunday - the sun is out and the winds have finally started to die down. It's still not warm enough (at least for me) to work in the yard, though.

I'm hoping that we'll finally get some more warm weather - and afraid that my rhubarb and the flowers that were starting to bloom will not be able to revive themselves. I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best.

Last week-end I worked outside in 60-70 degree weather - the first part of the week, Mother Nature threw is a curve ball and dropped the temperatures down into the 20's and 30's. Out came the winter coats again and gloves and heavy socks and layers of clothes.........

Keep warm everyone - be well.

"Life is a work of art, created by the one who lives it."

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