Friday, April 8, 2016

A Spring Thursday in Illinois - Where We Get to Experience All Four Seasons In One Week

I found this in my news feed while I was taking my morning stroll around Facebook -

We don't have nearly this much snow today, but there has been a bit of the white stuff falling - of course, it started while I was delivering packages to the post office.

After I finished running errands, I decided to head to one of my favorite spots in spite of the weird spring weather.

Each spring these pretty, little Trillium grace the bank behind the band shell in one of our local parks.

The hillside is covered with them right now, but we are (unfortunately) under a freeze warning for tonight, so I'm glad I was able to get a few pictures of them today.

I have to remind myself to get the rhubarb covered tonight - and my little fern fiddleheads. Once those dainty ferns grow up, they'll be the stars in pieces like these small cheese plates.

My errands are done - packages mailed, a trip to the vet over and done with, the decision made to ignore the already long grass in the back yard. It's cold - I've gone back to wearing layers of t-shirts and flannel shirts, with my wool socks keeping my feet warm - so, even though the sun is out, I've made myself a cup of Cappuccino and am cozying in with my knitting and Blue Bloods re-runs rather than preparing the plaster reclaim slabs to get all that earthenware ready to work up.

What am I knitting? Comfort Mats for the animal shelters and rescues, but more on that next time!

Stay tuned!

Meet my shop supervisor Scooter. She adopted me a couple years ago, and thinks my work area belongs to her. Imagine that!

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