Friday, November 30, 2007

Newsflash!!! Poor, Neglected Blog Adopts Pet!

Meet Winston - I'm not sure just how to get him to a sidebar, but once I do, that's where he'll live. Isn't he cute?

This poor blog has been so neglected for almost 2 months. I should be ashamed of myself - bad blogger!!! No excuses - I just need to do it!

I've been doing some more digging into my family's history and stumbled on a Yahoo! group for Norwegian Genealogy ( - of course, I subscribed to it right away. I may actually be able to help one or two of the other members with some of MY family's information - we may even be distantly related.

FYI - For those family members reading this - I'm sending out invitations to a group I've set up for our own purposes - Steien_Adams at Yahoo! Watch for them in your inbox over the week-end.

We've become scattered and because there are so many of us, this seemed like a good way to keep in touch. You can use it as a bulletin board or to post information on family history you'd like to share with others. Memberships will need to be approved to keep out spammers, but to use it you'll need to subscribe to it.

OK, so I'm on a roll today. Got some Christmas shopping done and I'm actually getting work completed to put online ( in the next few days. Now, I need to order some shipping materials from USPS - nice that most of what I need can be ordered online and delivered right to my door with no charge incurred. I can even print shipping labels and pay for postage and request them to be picked up at my door. A person could get spoiled!

I'll also be listing some of my pottery reference books on eBay soon - I have duplicates of a couple and most of the others, I really don't need, so they might just as well have new homes.

That's all for today, folks - gotta get some more work done. I'll send a link once I get all this stuff up online.

For now, stay warm - weather's changing and we're in for a winter storm watch tonight.

Take care,
